What happens at a VO2 max test?

A step by step guide to how we do it.

  1. We will have a chat with you to ascertain what you want to get out of your test, you current fitness level, create you a profile on our system, decide the best protocol to test you.

  2. Your height and weight will be measured. This is essential for getting accurate values

  3. You will be set up on the equipment specifically a heart rate monitor, VO2 master device and Hans Rudolf mask, then the equipment will be set up for you eg. an indoor bike or treadmill

  4. The test will begin with a warm up phase

  5. Most tests will follow a graded ramp test protocl where you will either walk/run faster every 1-3 mins. The test will end when either you reach exhaustion, no longer hit the work levels, choose to stop. Most tests will go through 9-12 steps so prepare for around 20 mins of exercise when we add a warm up or cool down.

  6. The equipment will be removed and cleaned

  7. Your report will be generated and your tested will send it to you or your coach and can explain when all the numbers mean


How to improve your VO2 Max


What do all the Zones mean?