Meet your Testers
Nick Wilderspin
Clinic Owner, Chiropractor, keen climber and gym goer.
Nick has over 18 years clinical experience helping clients from all different background get out of pain, learn more about their bodies and perform better.
As well as completing your test Nick has expertise not many other testers do. His musculoskeletal expertise and experience can help you learn more about your physiology and mechanics, put them together to help break through a plateau.
Ashley Rowley
Sports Therapist
Clinic owner, sports therapist, avid runner and bike rider.
Ashley has completed multiple marathons, half marathons, ultra marathon, XC Mountain bike races, triathlons, trail and strongman events along with 16+ years clinical experience.
Alongside performing your test Ashley can help you dial down race tactics, kit adjustments, training habits, marginal gains, iron out niggles and break new PBs.